Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Wow! What a great blog hop! Boni created some awesome images and the Dudettes rocked with their creations.  We had the Skeeter twins struming on their wash tub bass.  Robert Hood was protecting the fort.  Fred Eccx had some issues with a Tiffany's box.  And Lucky Strike had an awesome no hitter! 

And now it's time to announce the MYSTERY HOSTESS and our lucky commenter!!  (Can you hear the Hillbilly Hounds playing some action music in the background?)

First, our MYSTERY HOSTESS was...

Our lucky commenter and winner of an image of their choice is...

Linda, please email us so we can have your prize delivered.

Next up for the month of June...

 Our monthly sketch challenge on June 1st.  Our sponsor for this event is Technique Junkies.

Become a Guest Designer by participating in our freebie challenge on June 8th.

Be sure to submit your application to become a Design Team Dudette by June 15th.

Thank you! 
Dude Time Doodles 

Monday, May 30, 2011

Dude Time Doodles Design Team Call

Dude Time Doodles Challenge Blog
Design Team Call!
Dude Time Doodles is looking for TALENTED DESIGNERS to work exclusively with digital artwork provided solely by Bonibleaux Designs. If you are interested in joining an amazing team please apply. We are looking for crafters experienced in working with digital images AND brand-new artists who are looking for their very first Design Team experience:

  • a strong sense of style
  • great photography skills
  • an active, established blog or gallery with weekly posts
  • a desire to work with and contribute to a very creative team
  • ability to participate in three challenges each month, challenge posts are on Wednesdays
  • ability to participate in one blog hop on the last Wednesday of each month for New Releases
  • ability to participate in the DTD group, blog commenting, blog events and new release Sneak Peeks

The DT call is open immediately for all countries and will end on June 15, 2011, 12:00 a.m. EST.
Confirmation emails will not be sent out, however you may inquire to see if we have received your application. 
New design team members will be announced on June 29, 2011.If chosen your term will run for four (4) months beginning July 1 thru October 31, 2011.
Please send an email with the following information to: dudetimedoodles@yahoo.com by June 15, 2011.

Subject Line of email: DTD OPEN CALL     In the email include:
a. Name, country, phone number, mailing address and contact email address.
b. Bog or Website address
c. Current/Past Design Teams (past design team experience is not a must
d. Three samples of work showing your style.
(You may include these samples in the email, but the files must be NO larger than 300kb each. (Please do not send high res files.)

include direct links to three of your best projects that you would like to be considered as part of your application.)

Projects do not have to use BDD images


  • DTD digital stamps each month of your term - some could be assigned but you will also be able to select some of your own choices.

  • Admittance to the DTD Group and Blog

  • DTD Design Team badge for your blog

  • Submitting quality work and photographs of work

  • Opportunity to become part of the artist department

  • Your artwork will be spotlighted in DTD store and other DTD forums, store gallery and Facebook.

    Thank you! 
    Dude Time Doodles 

    Tuesday, May 24, 2011


    YIPPEE SKIPPY, it's my favorite time of the month when the Dudettes gather to show you all the new releases from Bonibleaux Designs. We are always happy when new residents come to join our family. And speaking of expanding our family, did you see that Dude Time Doodles is having an Open Design Team Call? Now's your chance to join our awesome team and have some fun. You have until June 15 to send us your artwork. Click on the link at the top of the blog for all the details. 

    Before we start tickling your funny bone, did you know as an added bonus for being a follower, that Stamp-by-Step offers a 10% discount? Use the discount code and link on our sidebar. 

    Okay, I say enough business, lets get on with the fun. 
    Cleota, get out the drums and start drumming, although we do have a new member joining our Dude Time Doodles band, SKEETER that might wish to take over! His brand new upside-down wash tub was delivered by FRED ECCX, surprisingly, it came intact and well tuned and perhaps Skeeter is too. 
    Skeeter - Ginny
    For sure you will love Robert Hood, our esteemed archer and Luky Strike, the winningest pitcher in baseball's history!  Lastly, if you are looking for a new hair stylist, you will want to schedule an appointment with the flamboyant hairdresser of the stars, Stylin Stew, who is aiming his hairdryer at you. 

    Now off with you, your first stop is Dudette Anne to see what she's created. Don't forget  one of the Dudettes is this month's Mystery Hostess so be sure to follow along the hop and leave some love at each stop. When you get to Hetty be sure to leave her some extra love since she is stepping down as a Dudette. The hop is a loop so you can start and finish as you like but if you get lost, here is the link list.
    Thank you!
    Dude Time Doodles 


    It's that time again.

    Time to announce the winners of the Inspirational Challenge for May.  I hope everyone was inspired by the photo not only for crafting, but for planning their summer vacations.  I believe I can speak for all the Dudettes when I say we appreciate you visiting us every week and putting up (and playing along) with our silliness.

    Before handing out the awards, I would like to remind everyone about our DT Call.  If you've had fun participating in our challenges, coloring and creating with Bonibleaux images, and want to hang out with some gnarley dudettes you should check out the details in the page above.  The open call lasts until June 15th, with team members being announced on June 29th!! 

    Okay, enough!  Time for the fun part!!!

    drum roll please.....(oops! That's me.  Ahem...)

    rum pum pum pum

    Our TOP BLOG award goes to:

    And the TOP THREE award goes to:

    Please grab your appropriate badge from above and display them proudly on your blogs. 
    Be sure to come back tomorrow for our new release blog hop!!  You won't want to miss out (Hey, I've seen the projects and I would never steer you wrong.)
    Thank you! 
    Dude Time Doodles 

    Wednesday, May 18, 2011

    May 25th Inspirational Challenge


    Welcome to our inspirational challenge for May. 
    I'm Cleota, your hostess.  Have I got an awesome photo / color inspiration for you this month. 

    We're getting closer to the end of May and that means the end of the school year for a lot of kids, graduation parties, and coming vacations!  If you haven't made your vacation plans yet, then this month's photo inspiration may help get you jumped started.

    If this doesn't make you think of doing the hula, wearing flowers in your hair, sitting on the beach and having a drink with a little umbrella, then I don't know what will!

    Let's see how the photo inspired the Dudettes (the design team):

    Anne has created a wonderful vacation spot for Henry Hero to bask in the sun. 
    Henry Hero
    Lynn has combined two great images for her All Star card. 
    BBall Barry & Sheriff Star
    Looks like Tammy will be having a potluck dinner at her house! 
    Chef Burly Becky
    Ginny must feel a need to get some grease under her fingernails!
    Grease Monkey Mike
    Hetty is tempting everyone's sweet tooth.
    Gladys Salt
     Cleota(that's me) is channelling her adventurous side!
    Skip Sk8tr
     These are great words of encouragement from Ruth.
    Henry Hero
     Hopefully Shirley (our guest designer) will be able to get things straight soon.
    Golfin' Greg

    And for the legal part...

    1. Use the photo / color inspiration and Dudette creations above to get your mojo moving.
    2. You are not required to use BDD images although it would make us really really happy and giggle a lot if you did!
    3. MUST be a masculine themed card, you can use humor, innuendo, be a little naughty, sarcastic, but it has got to be for a DUDE!
    4. Be sure to use the InLinkz below to submit your creation.

    Be sure to visit the Dudette's blogs and leave them some love.  Then come back here and link up your project before next Tuesday evening, May 24th.

    Thank you! 
    Dude Time Doodles 

    (Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

    Guest Designer WINNER for July

    So did Janitor Jack clean up for you?  We know he made a clean sweep over here! We loved the entries this week and we hope that even with Blogger being a brat and erasing all of our comments that we finally caught up with everyone. Jack says that he "done took out the trash (i.e. Blogger)"

    You Gals sure are making it hard on the Dudettes to choose each month, so much talent so few spots to fill. We hope that if you haven't filled the Guest Designer spot yet that you will keep coming back.

    Now for the BIG news....  

    drumroll please...

    Our Guest Designer for July... 

    Congratulations Chrissy!!!
    Please email us so we can get you the necessary information you'll need.

    Thank you! 
    Dude Time Doodles 

    Wednesday, May 11, 2011

    May's Guest Designer/Freebie Challenge Time

    Do you believe another month has gone by and its time for another
    Dude Time Doodles Guest Designer/Freebie Challenge? 
    If it's your first time visiting, howdy, glad you are here and please join the fun.
    Nothing difficult except to challenge yourself with a FREEBIE and a chance to win a spot as our guest designer on our awesome design team.
    Say hello to JACK JANITOR

    Sorry if you missed getting our newest freebie, Jack Janitor, but he is available at anytime in the store. The second Wednesday of each month we offer a freebie for one week during the challenge. But we have lots of other fun things to do the rest of the month so please come back soon! 

    1.  Use the freebie image above in a humorous creation of astounding creativity and ingenuity  (hehehe no pressure)
    2.  Submit a photo of your creation via InLinkz cache below 
    3. And on MAY 17th we will announce our Guest Designer for July.
    4. Spread the word - you only have one week - this will be a monthly event so be sure to come back on the 2nd Wednesday of each month and play again!
    ****NOTE:  Please do not share the actual image posted above, but rather send your friends back via link to pick it up.  All images are copyright of Bonibleaux Designs and are not intended for resale or swapping without explicit permission by owner. Thank you.****

    Before you go, look what some of the design team has done with 

    Jack Janitor!

    This month's Guest Designer SHIRLEY G.

    Now it's your turn to show us! All the Dudettes are waiting to see what you create and who knows, you might be our next Guest Design Team Member!

    PLEASE NOTE, if for some reason you linked your card during  the recent blogger snafu and its just not here, please add it again and leave us a comment that you have done so. Thanks!

    Thank you! 
    Dude Time Doodles 

    (Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

    Tuesday, May 10, 2011

    WINNER'S CIRCLE May Sketch Challenge

    Time to announce the winner of the Dude Time Doodles May Sketch Challenge that will receive from

    three digital image sets AND their choice of a custom watermark OR a custom signature
    Once again I would like to thank Ann from Raindrop Echo Designs for her kind generosity!

    Congratulations to 
    Please send me a private message to collect your prize.

    On behalf of the entire design team thank you for visiting our blogs and leaving some love!  We really appreciate it.

    Top Blog Winner

    The Top Three



    We had so much fun looking at your creations and we hope that you carry your Badges with pride - YOU EARNED IT! Just right click and copy to your computer and then upload as a picture gadget and you are done!

     Be sure to come back tomorrow,  you have another chance to be a winner of the 
    FREEBIE Challenge!

    Thank you! 
    Dude Time Doodles 

    Wednesday, May 4, 2011


    Howdy and welcome to this month's  Sketch Challenge, we are so glad you stopped by. This is your sketch challenge hostess, Tammy, with all the important information you will need to join the fun. 

    This month brings us the unofficial start of summer when life becomes a little more laid-back and we find more time to have fun. For the Dudettes, having fun means coloring Bonibleaux Designs!
    Here is this month's sketch:
    "Anything sketch will do but add a flower"
    You will have one week to flip the Sketch, twist the Sketch, work the Sketch and submit the Sketch.
    You are not required to use Bonibleaux Designs Digis although it would make us really really happy and giggle a lot if you did!
    MUST be a masculine themed card, you can use humor, innuendo, be a little naughty, sarcastic, but it has got to be for a DUDE!
    Be sure to use the InLinkz below to submit your creation.
    The winner, the Top Blog and Top Three winners will be announced 
    here on May 10th.
    Once again, we are thrilled to have the awesome Ann Vento, creator of a beautiful collection of sentiments [digital word art] and custom watermarks that can be found at Raindrop Echo Designs and Hostess with the Mostest of Sentimental Sundays.
    Ann is giving to the winner three digital image sets AND their choice of a custom watermark OR custom signature! WOW! Is that generous or what? 

    If the thought of being the winner of Ann's generosity is tempting, to temp you further, the Dude Time Doodles Design Team proudly presents:
    Guinness Gwen

    Forever Friends

    Gary Giftbearer
    Hippy Rocker


    Fred Farmer

    Gladys Salt
    One of the fun things I get to do as the Sketch Challenge Hostess is introduce to our Guest Designer for the Month and to say welcome aboard. This month's Guest Designer is

    When I asked Shirley for a short bio of herself this is what she had to say:

    "hmm bio, Well...My name is Shirley Galvan and I live in So. IL along with several feline friends. I have three grown, all married children and one grandchild. I have been making cards on a regular basis for about 15 months or so. But it quickly became a BIG obsession. I think I need a 10 step program! :) I mostly use digital images for my cards. I like them because they can be resized for what is needed on any given project."
    Gary Giftbearer

    Thanks for stopping by today and be sure to check back on the Wednesday, May 11th for the Freebie Guest Spot Challenge.

    Here is your sneak peek.

    Thank you! 
    Dude Time Doodles 

    (Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)