Tuesday, June 28, 2011

July's New Release Blog Hop

Welcome back!

We have so many new and exciting things going on in Dudeville today!  It's the last Wednesday of June!  It's summertime.  Pool parties, vacations, and small town festivals are popping up all over the country and Dudeville is no exception!  We are tickled to have you here with us to celebrate our exciting new images, a blop hop, *and* to welcome our new Dudettes!!!

That's right.  New Dudettes!!  We've had to say our fare-thee-wells to some of our original Dudettes.  We wish them all the best and hope they stop in when they can.

To help me welcome our new design team members,  The Dudeville Hollow Hillbilly Hounds (Jethro Jug, Cletus, and Skeeter) are on stage playing some tunes, Last Call Leonard (our bartender) is serving up the hillbilly moonshine, and there will be an exhibition match between Kyle Karate and Vicky Viking around 3 PM.  Those are just a few of the events on the official agenda.  We may also be lucky enough to have Dudeville's Mayor stop by the festivities.

To get the party started, let's begin with having the Dudettes introduce themselves.

Hi I'm Dawn, I'm married, 50 years young & I live in Edinburgh, Scotland.  I work full time as a Dental Nurse, with patients who have special needs.  I have enjoyed some form of crafting for most of my life & began card making 5 years ago, when I made my very first grown up card for my Dad's 70th birthday!  I'm sooooo looking forward to working with the Dudettes! 

My name is Janet and I live in Niagara falls. I have been crafting my whole life, but started making cards 6 years ago. My fave type of cards to make are music/heavy metal cards. Music is my life. I play bass in a Slayer cover band and love being on stage. Thanks for the chance to play along with Dude Time Doodles!! 
(You may remember Janet as being our guest designer for June!!)

Hi my name is Linda and I live in Warrington, Cheshire in the UK.  I have been crafting nearly all my  life starting like many other crafters knitting which my Dad taught me how to do.  I then went on to teach myself cross stitching and then to embroider.  I got into paper crafting about 8 years ago whilst looking for some cards to put my cross stitch into, from then on I have been well and truly hooked and love all areas of crafting especially stamping, parchment, CD crafting and painting with acrylics.

I set up my own blog in February just before I took early retirement and just love being part of the crafting community.  This is my first time as a design team member and I am looking forward to making lots of crafty new friends.


I'm a Nana to 6 and a GreatNana to 1 with a second GreatGrand due in a couple of months.  I rattle around in a wonderful old, Victorian house in Northern California.  I've been crafting and creating all my life including sewing or quilting, painting, poetry, scrapbooking, and jewelry.  However, the last 2 years have focused on cardmaking and it's nearly an addiction.  I love rubber stamping, but the last few months, digis have all but taken over.  The world of blogging has given me such great resources for inspiration.  I feel blessed to wake up each day, knowing that something creative will touch my day, either from someone else or magically appearing from the scraps scattered on my own crafting table!


Hi, I'm Michelle and am thrilled to be one of the new design team members with Dude Time Doodles.
I live in Williams Lake, BC Canada with my hubby of 15 years and my two boys ages 12 and 8.  I work full-time outside the home and pretty much full-time inside the home as well! I have been crafting for the better part of 20 years and have recently acquired my own craft room that is my mine, all mine!  I enjoy kickboxing, mountain biking and of course card making and scrapbooking.


These ladies are uber talented and we are over the moon to have them on our team.  Please be sure to visit their blogs and give them a true Dudeville welcome. 
The crowd is getting rowdy now!  The exhibition match between Kyle Karate and Vicky Viking is getting ready to start.  Kyle is waiting in the ring for Vicky who is slowly walking into the arena swinging her sword and trying desperately to keep her helmet on.
If you are still here after the match, be sure to stop by Uncle Sam's booth.  He's giving samples of his homemade apple pie.  We will also have dance lessons given by Herman Hustle at 5 PM. 

And as promised...Mayor Boni has arrived.She will be refereeing the exhibition match! I'm putting my chips on Vicky...she looks like one tough cookie!!

We are going to start our blop hop with the ever talented  Anne.  This is a circle hop, so no matter where you start as long as you go full circle you will see everything.  Here's a list of the Dudette's just in case you get lost along the way.

Be sure to visit each of the Dudettes to see all the new images.  Leave some love, because you never know which one will be the MYSTERY HOSTESS.  One commenter from the MYSTERY HOSTESS'S blog will win one of the newly released images!!

Well, it's been a long day and I hear the Dudeville Hollow Hillbilly Hounds playing Happy Trails.  We hope you'd enjoyed the inaugural Dudeville Hollow Dudette Festival.  Ya'll come back now.  Ya hear?!

Thank you! 
Dude Time Doodles 

Monday, June 27, 2011

DTD is sponsoring Paper Playtime this week....

Be sure to stop by Paper Playtime 
and get in on the Red, White and Blue fun!


Thank you! 
Dude Time Doodles 

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Featured Artist and Special Dudeville Announcement

We interrupt our regularly scheduled programming to bring you this special announcement.
Lou, Resident Artist Extraordinaire 
GOOD MORNING DUDEVILLE! This is Robin Robbs and I'm George Steppedinitagain broadcasting from the deck of the beautiful Dudeville Motel overlooking the Waterwater River. The world has gathered here today waiting for what has been billed as spectacular news in the digital art world. While we're waiting, let's have a little chat with Lou, Resident Artist Extraordinaire of Dude Time Doodles.

So tell us Lou, who wears the pants in your family? Funny you ask. 
There seems to have been some confusion about that recently, because apparently our 14 year old son now thinks he does. 

If your son wears the pants in your family who gets to wear the apron?

Boni, definitely. She's an awesome cook. You don't want me doing anything in the kitchen except maybe cleaning it or stocking the fridge with beer.

What inspires you to create the "dudes"? 

Mostly, I just enjoy making up characters and creating something out of nothing. Boni sort of feeds me suggestions to work on, but sometimes ideas will just pop into my head and I'll know exactly what I want. But either way, it seems that quite often the ones I don't think that much of and put the least effort into are the ones people seem to enjoy the most. So, in general, I try not to think to much.

I think I speak for a lot of people when I say we really loved the "Arnie on the loo" image. Was this an accurate self-portrayal? Did Boni put you up to it?
It wasn't Boni's idea, but I would say that it's fairly accurate, in that Arnie looks completely at ease and satisfied in that particular setting. Men aren't complicated. For us, life is really all about the simple pleasures.

Are you one of those dudes that forgets to put the toilet seat back down? (Are you wondering why you're getting two shitter-related questions in a row?) 

Oddly enough, that's one of the few things I am good about remembering. But I make up for it by never putting things like kitchen utensils away in the same place, or not being able to find my car keys when we are running late for something. I'm basically a space case.

Do you color your images?
Not up until this point, because it's always been about moving on to the next Dude. But lately, now that we have built up a pretty decent sized inventory, I have been thinking about going back and doing just that. 

Given the choice, would you rather guzzle beer or stuff your face with salty snacks while drawing your images? 
Beer, hands down. Good beer, though- none of this 55-calorie bilge water they advertise on TV. I'm talking about a brew that tastes almost as good at room temperature as it does cold. Drawing is definitely a beer drinker's pastime, at least until the lines start blurring. Then it's time for a break. For another beer, I mean.

Of all the Dude Time Doodles characters do you have a favorite and if so, which one? 

I like a lot of them, but you know how it is when you look at your own work. Some of the early ones make me cringe a little, but I think I'll always like Jose Hosed because I drew him way before we started any of this. In a way, Jose was sort of the prototypical Dude.

Tell us something really juicy about Boni that would surprise us all. 

Yeah, right- like I'm going to answer THAT question.....

Sorry to interrupt you Lou, but I just received word from our producer that Mayor Boni is nearing the podium. Robin, what's it like down there?

George the air is filled with excitement and shouts of pride rising from Mayor Boni's followers. Just a minute, just a minute. George, the Mayor's cabinet members are taking their seats. Yes, all the Dudettes are now seated so any minute George, we will see the beloved Mayor who has put Dude Time Doodles on the map. Oh George, the applause and hoot-hoots are deafening, this town loves their Mayor.


Testing.  One.  Two.  Three.  Testing.  Ahem...

Hello fair people of Dude Time Hollow, as Mayor of this wonderful city it is always a pleasure to see you all here! I've got some very exciting and late breaking information to share...Dude Time Dooldes has been working overtime on a very top secret project and the cabinet members and I would like to announce that the illustrious, beautiful, and snarky Marlooney has joined the Dude Time Doodles team as a feature artist! Yes, folks it is true and here to confirm her acceptance of the Dude Time Doodles artist position is...our....very....own.....MARLOONEY!! We will take questions from the press at this time....

(the crowd goes wild)

Illustrious Beautiful Snarky Marlooney
Robin waving her hand......Marlooney....?

If you were a t-shirt, what would be written on you and why?

Do not disturb. Disturbed enough already.

If I came to your home and looked in the refrigerator, what would I find?

Diet Pepsi, Leftover Pizza and the biggest jar of dill pickles you ever laid eyes on. (They're for my cheeseburgers.)

What sparks an idea for an image?

I tend to model many of them after myself....and other stupid things people do.

Do you start by creating the sentiment or an image? 
It depends. Sometimes I have a sentiment in my head and other times I just doodle and see where it takes me....and then spend hours thinking up something snarky to go with it.

When you cook do you prefer Duncan (Heinz) or Betty (Crocker) or are you a scratch cook? Scratch, scratch, scratch. Scratch my back. A little to the left. Lower. Oh. Food. Yes....from scratch. I don't like boxed crap much.

If by chance you were stranded on a deserted island, whom would you like to be stranded with and would you continue to draw and make cards? 

I choose George Clooney and ummmm.... No cards. No drawing. (evil grin)

Are any of your images self-portraits? 

Hello?! Can you not see the resemblance between me and Fanny Fart? We're both incredibly proud of our poofs.

Who would win a battle between a ninja and a pirate? 

The pirate. a) He has the advantage of smelling bad. b) He doesn't wear a stupid mask so he loses no peripheral vision. c) He's probably drunk as a skunk, and therefore, fearless.

If you weren't making cards, what other craft would you do? 

Shart Art. No wait. I was being facetious. Scrapbooking....knitting....and lately I've had a wee bit of an itch to start sewing again.

Besides the obvious, world peace, good health for your family, if you were walking along the beach and found a bottle with a genie in it, what three wishes would you make?

Money, money, money. That's three, right? Ok....besides that....how about to live near the Rockies. I love mountains. (That's #2.) No. 3 is rather unconventional. You see, I have a pretty strong gag reflex. Combined with my proclivity of expelling noxious fumes, the two don't go hand in hand. How about a stronger gag reflex? (Come on, I HAVE to fart....otherwise I'd blow up!)

Which craft supplies could you not live without? 

The list could go on and on, my friends...but I'll give you my top three. My 3M ATG gun. My older than dirt guillotine cutter that could easily slice my hand off if I felt like fashioning a hook. My Copic markers.


To see firsthand what will be available at Bonibleaux Designs starting today, please visit the blogs of the following lovely Dudettes and please be sure to leave some love.

This program has been made possible by Bonibleaux Designs and is solely responsible for its contents. 
Thank you! 
Dude Time Doodles 

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

WINNER'S CIRCLE June's Inspirational Challenge

Cleota here! 
I'm back to announce the winners of the June Inspirational Challenge!! 

This was a tough challenge to wrap your crafty little hands around, I know.  I was really wanting everyone to try different things and step as far outside the box as they possibly can.  We had some take me up on it and now I get to announce the winner!!  So...

Tammy start shaking that tamborine so the Dudettes can harmonize.  Ready?

Here we go!!

Our Top Blog winner is...
rum pa rum pum

Nikki Byrne

Our Top Three award goes to (in no particular order)...
pah rum pa pum pum

Jeanie Witmer

Ladies, please be sure to grab your badge and we hope you display it proudly on your blog. 

Thank you to all who participated! 

Be sure to come back tomorrow for some exciting news from our Dudeville Mayor!!

Thank you! 
Dude Time Doodles 

We are sponsoring Tuesday Throwdown...

We are pleased to announce that Dude Time Doodles is sponsoring....

Be sure to visit Tuesday Throwdown, check out the projects, enter the challenge and leave some love!!
Thank you! 
Dude Time Doodles 

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

June Inspirational Challenge - Make it Monochromatic


What a great couple of weeks we've had!  A new release with wild and crazy images from Bonibleaux Designs.  A fantastic sketch challenge with Tammy that netted an awesome turn out and a great prize from Technique Junkies!!  And Kurt the Graduate ushered in a new Guest Designer!!  Whew, we've been busy!!

Has anyone else noticed?  We are edging closer and closer to 200 followers!! 

It's Cleota and I'm back with drums snaring to ring in our June Inspirational Challenge.  This week, I've added a little twist and turn to the typical color / photo inspiration as you know I sometimes like to do.  I hear you moaning and groaning, because you have to step outside of the box a little, but it ends up tons of fun in the end.  Don't you think? 

Here's your color / photo inspiration
and your twist

That's it!  Make your project monochromatic.  Not overly stressful, I hope.

The Dudettes have once again appeased my fetish for stepping up to the plate and created some amazing projects to get your mojo moving.

And away...we...go...

Ruth used polka dots & circles and brought the monochromatic theme into her sentiment.
Mo Stooge

Boni's Wanderer looks awesome in it's simplicity! 
Cactus Kirk

Anne's take on the challenge uses rich textures and reminds us that the best things in life are free!!
Lord Money Man

We get lots and lots of polka dots on Cleota's project. 
Gladys Salt

Ginny used two awesome Bonibleaux images to create her great project.
Downtown Delmar Disco & Stylin Stew
White ink on black cardstock creates an amazing backdrop for Tammy's red hatted Grease Monkey Mike!
Grease Monkey Mike

Great checker board background and stitching went into Lynn's creation to make it pop. 
Chef Burly Becky
Our Guest Designer, Janet, brings us great background papers to go with an oldie, but a goodie from Bonibleaux! 
Mr. Bones Jangle

Now it's your turn.  

1. Use the photo / color inspiration and Dudette creations above to get your mojo moving.
2. You are not required to use BDD images although it would make us really really happy and giggle a lot if you did!
3. MUST be a masculine themed card, you can use humor, innuendo, be a little naughty, sarcastic, but it has got to be for a DUDE!
4. Be sure to use the InLinkz below to submit your creation.

Link up your creation by next Tuesday evening, June 21st.  Or better yet, there is still time to submit your application to be a full fledged Dudette.  The deadline is tonight!  See details on the DT Open Call tab above.

Today also starts Dude Time Doodles sponsorship of Cooking It Up With Katie.  Be sure to visit them and see their design team use Bonibleaux images in their recipe challenges!!

Thank you! 
Dude Time Doodles 

June Inspirational Challenge

1. Hetty  3. NikkiByrne  
2. NanaConnie  4. Jeanie Witmer  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Guest Designer WINNER for August!!

Kurtis the Graduate sends all of his thanks for the wonderful well wishes and cool art that everyone did in his honor.

His graduation went as planned and he is now a diploma carrying member of the "REAL WORLD". LOL 

Dude Time Doodles has some BIG news for one lucky winner of the Guest Designer Challenge....  

drumroll please...

Our Guest Designer for August is... 

Congratulations Samantha!!!
Please email us so we can get you the necessary information you'll need.

Thank you! 
Dude Time Doodles 

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


It is time for diplomas, speeches, caps and gowns....
and Dude Time Doodles Guest Designer/Freebie Challenge has the perfect FREEBIE for you this month!

Meet Kurtis the Graduate

Kurtis is inspired by our nephew who graduates high school this Saturday!
Yay! Kurtis. 

No die hard rules for this one except to challenge yourself with a FREEBIE and a chance to win a spot as our guest designer on our awesome design team.


1. Use the freebie image above in a humorous creation of astounding creativity and ingenuity (hehehe no pressure)

2. Submit a photo of your creation via InLinkz cache below

3. And on June 14th at 9:00 p.m. and we will announce our Guest Designer for August the following morning.

4. Spread the word - you only have one week - this will be a monthly event so be sure to come back on the 2nd Wednesday of each month and play again!

****NOTE: Please do not share the actual image posted above, but rather send your friends back via link to pick it up. All images are copyright of Bonibleaux Designs and are not intended for resale or swapping without explicit permission by owner. Thank you.****

Kurtis the Graduate seemed to be real popular with the Design Team this month because they gave a ton of wonderful projects below to get the creative juices flowing - just take a look:

Congratulations to all of our graduates young and old! We are so proud of you!

Don't forget to link up below to try your hand at a chance to win a spot on the Dude Time Doodles as a Guest Designer for August!!

Thank you!
Dude Time Doodles
Bonibleaux Designs
(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

WINNER'S CIRCLE - June Sketch Challenge


It's that time again...to announce the winners from the sketch challenge!

First, I have to tell ya...

The Dudettes have been high five-ing each other, because of all the participants we had for this month's sketch challenge!  And we are sure glad to see all the Bonibleaux Design images that were used!  We love giggling over the seniments you gals use with these images!  Thanks for the chuckles!

Now I'll get to it.  Anne, break out the bubbly!  Tammy, toot that horn of yours! 

The winner of the Technique Junkies CD is...

Be sure to email us and we'll coordinate getting your prize to you.

Our Top Blog award goes to...

And our Top Three award goes to...

Ladies, please be sure to grab your badge above and proudly display it on your blog!  Congratulations and thank you for joining our sketch challenge. 

We would like to send a loud shout out to Technique Junkies for sponsoring our sketch challenge this month.  If you haven't, be sure to visit them.
Be sure to come back tomorrow for our Guest Designer Challenge and a freebie! 

Also, our open Design Team call is still going strong until June 15th!!  Be sure to submit your projects for a chance to work with the fantastic Bonibleaux images and be snarky all the time! 

Hope to see ya soon.

Thank you! 
Dude Time Doodles 

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


GREETINGS to all you fans of Dude Time Doodles and a hearty welcome to those visiting the land of BONIBLEAUX DESIGNS' for the first time. Dude Time Doodles is all about Dudes, short dudes, tall dudes, sleepy dudes, angry dudes, and dudes that are just swell. 

The first Wednesday of the month at Dude Time Doodles begins a new sketch challenge. We are extremely pleased to welcome the Technique Junkie 
as the sponsor of this challenge.

The Technique Junkie Newsletter was started in 2002 as a resource for Rubber Stamping Techniques. The Newsletter is published every-other month, featuring 15 or more stamping techniques in step-by-step format. Each technique has a corresponding pictorial online, and a full page of inspirational artwork by the talented Technique Junkie Newsletter Designers. To date, over 600 Techniques have been published, by far the largest and most extensive library of rubber stamping tutorials available.

One of you lucky ladies will win a one-year subscription to Technique Junkie Newsletter and the latest CD with techniques on it!  And of course there will be badges for the Top Three Winners and a badge for the Top Blog. Winners for today's challenge will be announced right here on June 7th. Be sure to catch "The Rules" at the end of the post on how to play!

Here's the sketch:

JUNE is all about Father's Day, you know the day when men think they should be treated like royalty. Who are they kidding? Women of the world know better, we know that Father's Day is men's retaliation for having to cater to us on Mother's Day. This year, Father's Day is June 19th so you have plenty of time to shop Bonibleaux Designs for the perfect image for your favorite Dude. 
Now, start the drum roll Cleota, let's get to what the design team has for you this month!
St. Nick

Gladys Salt
Hammock Harold 
Skeeter and Cletus
Gladys Salt

The General
Revenge of the Nerd Ned
We bid Shirley G. adieu and we throw down the red carpet for JANET, this month's Guest Designer. 

My name is Janet and I live in Niagara falls. I have been crafting for my whole life but started making cards 6 years ago. My fave type of cards to make are music/heavy metal cards. Music is my life. I play bass in a Slayer cover band and love being on stage. Thanks for the chance to play along with Dude Doodles!!

Bobby Bubbles
If you are looking for more challenges, Dude Time Doodles and Bonibleaux Designs is sponsoring Craft Your Passion and as always, next Wednesday, is Dude Time Doodles Guest Designer Freebie Challenge. I double "g" guarantee you will want this month's freebie. Here's a little sneaky peek.

You still have plenty of time to participate in Dude Time Doodles Design Team Open Call. Click on the tab "DT Open Call **6/15/11**" at the top of the blog for the information you need to apply. 

Until next time, remember, never squat with your spurs on! Yee-Haw!
Thank you! 
Dude Time Doodles 

You will have one week to flip the Sketch, twist the Sketch, work the Sketch and submit the Sketch.
You are not required to use Bonibleaux Designs although it would make us really really happy and giggle a lot if you did!
MUST be a masculine themed card, you can use humor, innuendo, be a little naughty, sarcastic, but it has got to be for a DUDE!
Be sure to use the InLinkz below to submit your creation.

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)