Tuesday, November 30, 2010


We did it! We have hit the official one month mark for Dude Time Doodles and Bonibleaux Designs has pulled out all the stops for the New Release Blog Hop this month!  
[Bonibleaux Designs Aaron Aeronautic]

Aaron Aeronautic was inspired by a story submitted by Priscilla Styles (you should all know Priscilla from Midnight Madness???!!!) Priscilla asked for an image of a guy flying and crashing remote control airplanes, ergo Aaron!! LOL

A great tutorial to create this very cool display can be found HERE.

You will see all of the new release digis worked up for your viewing pleasure and be able to purchase any of the new images today in the store!
We're doing something different with the Blog Hop this week and that is that one of the Design Team Members will be secretly chosen as the "MYSTERY HOSTESS" of the blog hop and one lucky commenter will receive a 
Free full set of New Release BDD digital images $30 value

This Blog Hop does not have a starting and ending point so no matter where you HOP on you are in the right place. Just keep going. Don't forget to leave some love everywhere you land, including here! Once you have gone full circle you have completed the Hop.
We are so excited to link you to Miss Ginny next!
We hope you like what you see! We certainly had a blast putting it together for you!!

Don't forget all of the images you see will be for sale in the Store by 10:00 a.m. EST today!


Blog Hop Chain 
[in case you get distracted by all the art]

We want to give a special shout out to our Dude Lovin' Pal - Sassy Say'ns by Marlooney - this gal is rockin' when it comes to thinkin' up sentiments to go with our dudes - check out her post HERE and you'll understand what I'm talking about! WE LOVE HER!!

And saving the best for last is what we do here! We are so pleased to share our Guest Designer for December with you:  LYNN

Hi, my name is Lynn Hayes and I live in a very small town in  Texas.  I'm married with two grown children, two granddaughters, and another little one due in February.  After 24 years in the work force, I retired as a Pre Trial Probation Officer.  I love being retired as it gives me the chance to do things I love - like fishing, gardening, and paper crafts.  I've only had my blog up for a little over a year, but have been making cards for almost two years.  I orginally thought I'd save money making my own cards!  That didn't happen - but I do love making them and think people enjoy something "hand made". 
I'm very honored and so excited about being the Guest Designer for Dude Time Doodles for the month of December.

Thank you!! 
The DTD Team 

Thursday, November 25, 2010

From the "Dudes".....


Thank you!! The DTD Team and Bonibleaux Designs Digis

Saturday, November 20, 2010

NOV 20th DTD Inspiration Board Challenge

Today marks the first official Inspiration Board Challenge for Dude Time Doodles. The 20th of every month will be an Inspiration Board Challenge and here is your Inspiration:
[inspiration boards courtesy of The Craft Begins - Brianna has generously given DTD rights to use her Inspiration Boards in our challenges - how HOT is that?] 

You will have two weeks to use the colors, layout, picture inspiration, whatever GRABS you from this board and create a Masterpiece.
Be sure to use the InLinkz below to submit your creation and we will choose our Top Three winners and Top Blog winner and announce it right here on December 3rd. 
How exciting. I know if you are like me you love showing off!

And speaking of showing off...TAKE A LOOK AT THE EYE CANDY provided for your viewing pleasure today!
The Dude Time Doodles Design Team proudly presents:

Be sure to check back often there will be some sneaky peeky posts for the new release November 30th - all I can say is WOWSA!! These dudes are coming in droves!
We can't wait to see your creative genius at work with our Inspiration board.
Thank you!! 
The DTD Team 

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Friday, November 19, 2010


I am so sorry that I am late with the Winners Circle. I have been fighting the flu like crazy for two weeks and it has totally got me down! Trying to rise above the surface but it seems every day is something new...sniff sniff...

Our Top Winner is:

Chris wins the Top Blog award at the left/or above (please copy and carry on your blog with pride) AND the grand prize of four free digis from Glitterbabe Greetings. Please send me a private message and I'll get you in touch with Stef to collect your prize.


Our TOP THREE winners this week are:

Ladies - we had so much fun looking at all of your goodies and we hope that you carry the Top Three Badge with pride on your blogs! Just right click and copy to your computer and then upload as a picture gadget and you are done!

Be sure to check back tomorrow for the new DTD Challenge - it's all about the inspiration board!

Thank you!! 
The DTD Team 

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Votes are In....

The winner of the first monthly Guest Design Team spot goes to.....drum roll please......

for her Groovy Guy card!


Thank you so much to all of the entrants and we hope that you come back again next month and play along - there are always chances to win at Dude Time Doodles!

Thank you!! 
The DTD Team 

Monday, November 15, 2010

Special New Release Party and Sale Tonight

On CDAC Group Bonibleaux Designs Digis - be the first to catch the new releases, fun games, prizes and fun for all!!
[you have to be a member so sign up and join in the fun]

Here's a little peak at what is waiting for you over at Bonibleaux Designs Digis Group.  The new images will be in the store during the New Release party.

I'd like to introduce our Special Guest Designer for November

My name is Dorly Weitzen and I live in sunny Israel.
I'm married and I have 3 adorable sons.
I'm a Linguist and fluent in 7 languages.
I grew up in a family of artists and art collectors, 
and I've been creating ever since I can remember myself.
I love painting, jewelry designing, scrapbooking, 
altered art and mixed media art. And chocolate, of course.
I have a constant urge to create something new every day.
It sure is better than maintaining what already exists!

And the rest of the Gang!!

Don't forget time is running out for the December Guest Designer Challenge and the November 5th Sketch Challenge

Thank you!! 
The DTD Team 

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Operation Write Home Blog Hop

I first started sending cards to soldiers back in 1998.  It was a different program then and you sent cards to troops who were stationed overseas and couldn't make it home for the holidays, or didn't receive much mail.  I still to this day have a penpal from those days - we have been writing to each other for the last 12 years. We have never met in person as he is always going in the opposite direction with the military LOL.  When my son joined the USMC this penpal wrote letters to my son encouraging him.  I am very thankful for programs like Operation Write Home that allow "us" the civilians a chance to show our gratitude, support and well wishes for our freedom defenders!

The blog hop this weekend is for making and sending Valentine cards to the troops that they may send them back to their loved ones. Our military personnel don't always get to shop for cards for the holidays and special occasions. Heck sometimes they only have pencil stubs to write with. OWH sends 100's of thousands of cards to our troops so that they may send a special one of a kind handmade card home to their loved ones for birthdays, anniversary, Christmas and now Valentine's Day. The Christmas wishlist for cards is full so we are concentrating on Valentine Cards until January 7, 2011.

Dude Time Doodles is proud to get this opportunity to share our love and support with those away from home, defending our country and fighting for our freedom. 

I used Count Vladimir for my Valentine Card today. It is a swing card - the tutorial is HERE.  

Created two cards - she's so feeling the love she got totally groovy with Gary Giftbearer and Hippie Rocker.     

Used Gary Giftbearer on a really cool patchwork background. Cleota nicknamed Gary "Gump", gee I wonder why?

Was blown away by the muscles on Henry Hero. Although her card indicates that perhaps Henry spent some time participating in activities that may well have gotten him in a bit of trouble.

Made Gary Giftbearer quite unique by replacing the gift he was holding with a handmade Valentine. Ah Gary is such a mushy fellow.

Has Football Phil running for the last 20 yards right in to your heart! 

If you made it here from Nancy's Scrap Happens then you are on the right trail......NEXT you'll be heading to Dana's Scrap Therapy - who doesn't need therapy right? After all this sugar sweetness Valentine Hop we are all going to need some!

Here are a few rules if you would like to participate in OWH:

-A valentine card (absolutely no glitter that will flake off of your project)
-The valentines deadline: Jan 7th
-No Christmas cards. Christmas deadline is passed
-JoAnn's Fabric is giving away $50,000 in their Craft for a Cause promotion.  PLEASE VOTE DAILY at Joanns Voting begins November 7 and ends 11:59:59 P.M. EST on December 4, 2010. Limit one vote per person/e-mail address per 24-hour period. 
 the special mission with Archway Cookies and OWH have entered in to a special mission to match card for cookies - check it out HERE. Become a part of something HUGE.


VOTE FOR OWH DAILY! --->http://bit.ly/ckDQjH

Check out our OWH Old Spice video!
Celebrating our 500,000th card:
Sign up for our email list:

Thank you!! 
The DTD Team 

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

November 10th Guest Spot Challenge

Today is the day to challenge yourself for a GUEST SPOT on the incredible, the fun, the amazing Dude Time Doodles Design Team for the month of December.

[image has been removed]
What do you have to do?

1.  Use the freebie image above in a humorous creation of astounding creativity and ingenuity  (hehehe no pressure)
2.  Submit a photo of your creation via InLinkz cache below 
3. And on November 17th we will announce our Guest Designer for December.
4. Spread the word - you only have one week - this will be a monthly event so be sure to come back on the 10th of each month and do it again!

What do you get as a Guest Designer for working with this hunk of hippie love you ask? Well let me tell you....

1.  Inclusion with the hippest, coolest Design Team Heroines in town.
2.  A personal invite to the "secret club" where all the creators mix and mingle
3. Use of Bonibleaux Designs Digis for the duration of your stay
4. Participation in all monthly challenges and special events
5. To add your ideas, thoughts and humor to the inspiration board for future image releases
6. Advertising for you blog and your artwork via Dude Time Doodles networks such as CDAC, FaceBook and Blogger

We cannot wait to see your creations!!
Thank you!! 
The DTD Team 

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Friday, November 5, 2010

NOV 5 - DTD Sketch Challenge

Today marks the first official Sketch Challenge for Dude Time Doodles. We are very excited to bring you Dude images, with Dude themes for the Dudes in your life. Thanksgiving is just around the corner, only 50 shopping days until Christmas and then it is on to New Year's Resolutions. We have tons of exciting stuff during this time as well. And we've only just begun! Dude Time Doodles holds two official challenges a month, on the 5th and the 20th. Your challenge on the 5th will always be a Sketch Challenge and your challenge on the 20th will always be an Inspiration Challenge. It cannot get any easier. There will be FAB sponsors, give aways and Badge Winners with every challenge.

The 5th of every month will be a Sketch Challenge and here is your sketch for this week:

1. You will have two weeks to flip the Sketch, twist the Sketch, work the Sketch and submit the Sketch.
2. You are not required to use BDD images although it would make us really really happy and giggle a lot if you did!
3. MUST be a masculine themed card, you can use humor, innuendo, be a little naughty, sarcastic, but it has got to be for a DUDE!
4. Be sure to use the InLinkz below to submit your creation.

WE will choose our Top Three winners and Top Blog winner and announce it right here on the 19th.
Miss Glitter herself, Stef H. - Glitterbabe Greetings has graciously sponsored our very first challenge with a special prize package of FOUR digis of your choice from her Store for one RANDOM winner.
Thank you Stef!!

How exciting. I know if you are like me you love showing off!

And speaking of showing off...TAKE A LOOK AT THE EYE CANDY provided for your viewing pleasure today!
The Dude Time Doodles Design Team proudly presents:

Be sure to check back on the 10th as we are holding a special Guest Spot Challenge each month. You get a Freebie, a Challenge and a Chance to win a Guest Designer Spot on Dude Time Doodles.

Thank you!!
The DTD Team

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)